Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Setting up a blog is confusing...

So I thought I would set up a blog to post about my daily happenings... It's not as easy as I expected.  First of all, I don't type.  Yes I said that I don't type.  I hunt and peck... this could be a problem here.  I must admit that I am pretty good at it and I have learned to peck pretty fast but the set up is confusing to me.  There are so many customizations that I am getting dizzy!  And then to allow ads or not? They say you can get paid from them and everybody likes a little loot - right?  So that is another consideration... for another day.  For now I will just try to figure this thing out.  Packing and getting ready to go to Disney!  Lot's to do.  The Full Nancy

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