I have noticed lately that I am running on a 5 second delay. I can't seem to think straight for at least 5 seconds when one of my children ask me a question. It is as if my brain is trying to figure out a tough math equation. This had me worried for a bit... until I figured out why.
When you are a mother of three children (or 2 or 1!) - you are in a constant state of protection, discipline and fear. Whenever they ask me a question I use the first second to comprehend the question.... "Mom, can I feed the fish?" and at first the question may seem harmless and you may want to blurt out..."Sure son, that would be so helpful" as you sigh a blissful sigh of "O how wonderful my helpful kids are". But you stop.... tick tock another second has gone by...then you think... does he really want to feed the fish - or does he just want to play with the water? letting him feed the fish will give him independence... but I will get a backache cleaning up the flakes and the water from the floor... tick tock. Maybe I just need to pick my battles here - I mean how much water can he actually splash out? Am I making too much of a big deal here? and then you snap back into reality 5 seconds later and answer... cautiously "OK".
Sometimes the 5 second delay turns into a 10 second delay. This is when I wait a few seconds before I say "what?" and have them repeat the question to me. Like just before... Salvatore asked me if he could sign up for nexon account. I balked, stalled, and had to say "what?" more than once. Maybe that is because I have never heard of a nexon account and it took me longer to understand the question. My brain had to catch up with the information. Then the answer took twice as long to reach my lips. What is a nexon account? Is it safe? Should I allow him to play with his ipod so much? Maybe I should ask my husband - he would know. Am I giving in too much? Will this cause my son to get hooked on video games - and then do drugs and then end up in jail and then have to live on the streets?
Finally I blurted out "Um yeah, OK - I trust you, Sal" I mean how bad could it be - the main website is in Korean - no threat there - Salvatore can't read Korean... or can he? Maybe this nexon thing is just a cover up for some pre-pubescent smutty website... and then I am really in a whirlwind of 5 second delays.
I think I could run around all day in a constant delay - second guessing every decision and plan that I make - but who has time for this?
For now I will learn to embrace the 5 second delay and realize that God has given me, and countless other mothers, this 5 second delay as a sort of way to determine risks and then act accordingly. It is a cushion, a buffer and a minute (or 5 seconds) of contemplation. It is something that you acquire with age and wisdom... and wrinkles. It is like a badge of honor.
In the distance I hear Vincent call "Mom, can I have a lollipop?" No delay here - I immediately say "Yes, and bring me one too!" I understood the question, contemplated the risks and replied in a timely manner... but that was an easy one! I'll save the 5 seconds for the tough ones!
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