Friday, January 20, 2012

So - you want to see a psychic...

Over the last few months, a recurring theme discussion between me and a group of friends has been psychics, spiritualists, taro card readers and the like.  It seems to be a very popular subject among many of my different groups of friends.  Most see it as fun and entertaining. Some see it as a window into the unknown.  Some see it as comfort to hear a bit about a loved one who has passed.  I can see the lure - and feel the yearning to know what my Big Grandma would say about a certain situation... and a few years back I would have been all over it.  I would have went and believed.  It is easy to trust someone who is sitting right in front of you telling you things that no one else could know and seeming to know your past, present and future.  It certainly is enticing. But as I grow in my faith - I am constantly redirected back to the bible and what God has to say about my life.  It is an important tool that I use to guide me.  There are so many resources online and in print to help you de-code the writings and many, many versions of the bible.  It is the perfect guide for most any situation you could come across... and if you have a knowledgible Pastor, Priest or Rabbi, I am sure they could help you to understand and apply the Bible (or Old Testament) to any area of your life. 
I have friends of many faiths - but I would say that the bulk of my friends are either Christian (covering all types) or Jewish.  And that means that all that I "stumbled" upon in the bible (or Torah - for my Jewish friends) should apply to you.  You see - people all over will stand firm in their faith and proclaim what they "are" but many of them don't ever crack the book and they have no idea what it has to say.  I am not condemming anyone - for a great part of my life - I was Catholic - just because.  It was who I was.  I didn't practice it.  I didn't ponder it. I didn't understand it - it just was who I was.  And as far as for now - I am not claiming to be a biblical scholar - or super Christian or anything like that - I have a hard enough time remembering bible verses - I am not always in church on Sunday - and I fail everyday at being a good Christian - but I get right back up - ask for forgiveness and move on - once again consulting the bible for a way.
I was surprised by my strong reaction to a suggestion about having a psychic at one of the local fundraisers I am on the committee for.  I immediately voiced my opinion in complete opposition.  I felt so strongly against it that I may have come across as a tad too radical.  I can't expect the whole committee to do something just because I am opposed to it - but my real question is - Why aren't they opposed to it?  If most of my friends and groups of friends are either Christian or Jewish - why aren't they as opposed as I am.  They read the same Bible.  They have the same access as I do - why are they not seeking answers to questions from their book of faith?
With the help of a few friends, I looked up the topic of spiritualists and mediums... and all references are found in the Old Testament - which is why I can include my Jewish friends here.  The bible clearly states that practicing any spiritualist ways is detestable to the Lord and that God will turn His face away from those who follow them.  I don't know about you - but I certainly don't want God to turn His face away from me - and the things the Bible has to say about spiritualists is way too scary for me to tempt it. 
I pray that you, reading this, will seek your book of faith - like I said, for most of my friends - The Bible (or Torah) and see what it says to you about the issues in your life.  I can't hide (nor do I want to) that I am a firm believer of my God, His Son - Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit - and I know that the Bible can solve and answer so many peoples questions.  To God be the glory - but on a selfish note - this book has saved me.  You can find information on any topic and apply it to your life.  It is a constant learning and re-direction of yourself - but soooo worth.  I hope and pray that all of you, if you are not already, give it a try.  Crack open the book - for my Christian friends - the new testament is a good place to start.  The stories are applicable and real and they will help to guide you through you life.  I know that God will be sitting with with you when you are reading - and that is a million times more powerful, and awesome than any words from a psychic could ever be.   

Deuteronomy 18:9-13
Occult Practices
When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. You must be blameless before the LORD your God.

Exodus 22:18
Social Responsibility
Do not allow a sorceress to live.

Leviticus 20:6
Punishments for Sin
I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

Leviticus 20:27
Punishments for Sin
A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.

2 Kings 21:6
He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced divination, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, arousing his anger.

Leviticus 19:31
Various Laws
Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The 5 second delay

I have noticed lately that I am running on a 5 second delay.  I can't seem to think straight for at least 5 seconds when one of my children ask me a question.  It is as if my brain is trying to figure out a tough math equation.  This had me worried for a bit... until I figured out why. 
When you are a mother of three children (or 2 or 1!) - you are in a constant state of protection, discipline and fear.  Whenever they ask me a question I use the first second to comprehend the question.... "Mom, can I feed the fish?"  and at first the question may seem harmless and you may want to blurt out..."Sure son, that would be so helpful" as you sigh a blissful sigh of "O how wonderful my helpful kids are".  But you stop.... tick tock another second has gone by...then you think... does he really want to feed the fish - or does he just want to play with the water?  letting him feed the fish will give him independence... but I will get a backache cleaning up the flakes and the water from the floor... tick tock.  Maybe I just need to pick my battles here - I mean how much water can he actually splash out?  Am I making too much of a big deal here? and then you snap back into reality 5 seconds later and answer... cautiously "OK". 
Sometimes the 5 second delay turns into a 10 second delay.  This is when I wait a few seconds before I say "what?" and have them repeat the question to me.  Like just before... Salvatore asked me if he could sign up for  nexon account.  I balked, stalled, and had to say "what?" more than once.  Maybe that is because I have never heard of a nexon account and it took me longer to understand the question.  My brain had to catch up with the information.  Then the answer took twice as long to reach my lips.  What is a nexon account?  Is it safe?  Should I allow him to play with his ipod so much?  Maybe I should ask my husband - he would know.  Am I giving in too much?  Will this cause my son to get hooked on video games - and then do drugs and then end up in jail and then have to live on the streets?
Finally I blurted out "Um yeah, OK - I trust you, Sal"  I mean how bad could it be - the main website is in Korean - no threat there - Salvatore can't read Korean... or can he?  Maybe this nexon thing is just a cover up for some pre-pubescent smutty website... and then I am really in a whirlwind of 5 second delays.
I think I could run around all day in a constant delay - second guessing every decision and plan that I make - but who has time for this?
For now I will learn to embrace the 5 second delay and realize that God has given me, and countless other mothers, this 5 second delay as a sort of way to determine risks and then act accordingly.  It is a cushion, a buffer and a minute (or 5 seconds) of contemplation.  It is something that you acquire with age and wisdom... and wrinkles.  It is like a badge of honor.
In the distance I hear Vincent call "Mom, can I have a lollipop?"  No delay here - I immediately say "Yes, and bring me one too!"  I understood the question, contemplated the risks and replied in a timely manner... but that was an easy one! I'll save the 5 seconds for the tough ones!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Angel

My sweet little Angelo will be 9 years old on Friday.  He is an "Angel" and I love him so much.  It has been a long road for Angelo & me - we have been through alot.  He is my one child that has made me really have to be a parent. 
When he was born... Jaundice - back in the hospital for a few days... I was forced to parent for the first time and make serious medical decisions... even though he is my second child... Salvatore was so by the book - but my little Angel... he wanted to pave my parenting way! 
When he was 2 years old... a fever for 21 days!  Blood tests and lots of worry.  What could it be?  The conclusion was that we would try to take out his tonsils to see if that made a difference - and even though Salvatore's were already out - Angelo's ordeal seemed so much more of an emergency... so much more intense.  The tonsillectomy worked.  Fever was gone.  Wrinkles were getting deeper and deeper on my face.  More parenting. More learning between Angelo and me. 
Between the ages of 3 & 4 I began to notice differences between Angelo and other children.  He was wired differently - perfectly - but differently.  I loved him and do love him so much.  He was so sweet - I called him my spirited child.  Always on the go - and always so charming.  After several evaluations we determined that Angelo had ADD.  I was assured that Angelo would get all the help he needed and I was content... for a while.  I didn't realize that I was about to embark on a whirlwind journey with my son that would take me from the medical field to natural healing and everywhere in between. 
He is wired differently, my son.  He is AWESOME!  But the concerns I have over him have brought me to my knees many more times than I care to admit.  I feel so helpless over him at times and so very worried.  You see - I am a naturalist at heart - I steer away from drugs to cure and I have always been a huge advocate of anything organic.  I naturally want to do the opposite of what all of Angelo's doctors want to do.  I want to help my baby - I want to find a way to "cure" him of anything that might cause him to feel anxiety or pain.  I think I want what every mom wants - I want him to be happy and healthy. 
I am at such a crossroads in this situation.  I have several doctors telling me that Angelo needs medication for his ADD.  I disagree - I feel in my heart that there has to be a better way for him.  I just know it!  I struggle with feeling like I don't have enough medical education to go back at the doctors and tell them NO!  I have bottles of medications on my shelf... ones that we have tried and ones waiting for us to try... but I am at a sticking point.  I do not want to use medication to numb my child.  I do not want to give him medication that causes him anxiety and worry and I certainly don't want to medicate him to make his teachers job easier - I don't think that is what medication should be used for. 
Angelo and I have worked so hard at learning to trust one another - I need to listen to what he has to say... He will be 9 years old and I think he is ready to take an active role in his health care.  We are off to the neurologist today... basically to let them know that we are off medication and we have been since June.  We are using supplements and vitamins - trying to stay away from preservatives and food dyes - eating as much organic as our budget will allow, seeing a chiropractor and going "natural" for a while. 
God gave me this perfect, special, wonderful, amazing, beautiful boy and I owe it to Him to take the best care of Angelo that I can.  I need to find a peace within myself before I can move on medically with Angelo - I need to make Angelo my partner and allow him to make medical decisions with me.  I need to love him and protect him and discipline him and pray for him.  And wait... wait for some clarity - some clear cut direction and some peace.  I know this is such a hot topic for so many families out there... and I know that there are children who definitely need medication to succeed - I am not trying to knock anyone or start a riot.  I just know my son, and I know all that he is capable of - off medication - I just know that we will find a way - it may involve medication in the future... but for right now... we will just finish out the summer with our own agenda... sand between our toes - chlorine in our hair - fun times with family and friends and worry free!  Just like God wants us to be. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need a break

Just yesterday I posted on Facebook that I was taking a break from the all popular site for a few weeks.  I am an avid facebooker but I started to realize that maybe it was consuming too much of my time.  After all - I declared Monday to be "Media Free Monday" to our children at home and one of my biggest rules is "no media used in the house during school days"  except of course for me!  I would leave the site up on my desktop - checking it every few minutes... did someone respond to my funny post - did my neighbors, half sister's, daughters, sons, wife have the baby yet?  What is is about facebook that has me so hooked?  I will sit and look at an old friends Aunt's photos and look through the profiles of people I hardly know for hours... Whats up with this?  It is procrastination at its best.  The more I thought about it the clearer it became to me that I really don't need facebook in my life.  I know it is a great way to keep in touch and to see old friends and I know I will stay on as a user - but the time sucking has got to stop.  Maybe now I can get back to reading or sleeping or having a conversation with one of my kids without having one eye on the computer.  Sure it has been hard today to not click over - and the fact that I can stalk Facebook from my phone is so tempting - but I am going to try and stick it out - till August 1st!  I know this will post on Facebook because that is one of the ways I advertise a new post - but you can be assured that I will not be clicking on to see it from there.  If you need me - you can call like in the old days.  If it is your birthday. anniversary, first date, last date, first day with a new toothpaste, or you are waiting on line at the grocery store 3 people behind the lady with triplets that bought everything in threes... I will find out sooner or later.  If my neighbors half sister's daughters sons wife has the baby- I'm sure I will hear about that too!  In the meantime call me and maybe you can even stop by for a cup of coffee.  You might just find me curled up with a good book using up all of these fabulous Facebook free minutes. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I was wrong...(hard to admit)

Each year in July I have a great responsibility.  I am the Assistant Director for a Vacation Bible School at my church.  I am sure many of you can relate to what a huge task it would be to place and look over 200 plus children and 90 plus staff.  It is HUGE - but I love it. 
Would you believe it if I told you that a few years back I hated VBS?  I thought that only crazy - bible bashing - weird hippie Jesus loving freaks would send their children there.  I would shake my head at my then sister in law when she told me my nephew was going thinking... that poor girl is so mislead - she is nuts!  A whole week of brain washing - bible thumping!  Ugh!  Not for me!  But I was wrong.  (hard to admit) I was so wrong.
The perspective I had about VBS is what helps me to be a better leader today.  Because I remember the way I felt about it and the church - I can help to assure others that VBS is not for weird hippie loving Jesus freaks - well OK the staff and lots of the kids are Jesus lovers - but they are not weird and they do not bible bash - they are just regular people with a firm belief in God, Jesus and the bible.  They are some of the best people I know.
I get so excited to share "my" church with others.  I love that these visitors can come and see my church in all its glory - serving the community and serving these families in such a positive way.  VBS is an awesome week of happy, fun, crazy, horse riding, water balloon, singing and learning all in the name of Jesus.  The kids love it - the volunteers love it and I love it.
So I wonder why - after such an amazing week that some of the people who are there visiting don't want to jump right in and start coming to my church.  Can't they see all that this church has to offer?  Can't they see the awesome network of friends?  Can't they see the kind and compassionate side of these church people like I did?  Can't they see?  They sit there stuck in a meaningless world filled with hatred and self pity - when all the while there is this party going on right around them that they are encouraged to join.
Maybe they hold back out of fear - after all who wants to look like a Jesus freak?  I know I didn't... Maybe they don't feel worthy of receiving love - especially from strangers.  I know I didn't... Maybe they are just stuck in old traditions and scared to explore what is not "normal" to them.  I know I was...  But I found that when I did start to open up and let go of my fear and allow others to show me what they had, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. 
Let's put Jesus aside for a minute here... when I started going to this church it wasn't because of Jesus or God or really for any faith reason.  It was because of the people I met at the church.  They were the real reason I started going.  I was jealous of the people.  I wanted what they had - I wanted to be happy and to have a great group of friends that I could rely on - people that would always steer me in the right direction - friends with good advice and lots of love.  No gossip - no back stabbing.  That is what I saw at first... what I got was so much more. 
As I started opening up and listening and reading and learning I finally figured out the real reason I was there.  It was to build my faith and belief in God, Jesus and the Bible that was the only real way to get what they had.  The reason why they love, is because they are trying to show God's love.  They reason why they care is the same.  They do not gossip - and hold each other accountable for the same.  They give great advice - because they are speaking from a solid and firm background of faith.  They are the body of Christ... they are doing His work.
Now I don't want to get all bible bashy here and I don't want to freak anyone out... I just wish that others could see all that they could have... if they just gave it a chance.  If they just softened a little - just a little - and opened up - they would see all that they could have - a life filled with happiness and Joy - a great group of friends - lots of love - and yes, at the core of it all... Jesus.
He is the way, the truth and the life and I hope and pray that I have done His work at VBS - leading people to Him - showing people about Him and helping to remove a stereotype here and there.  I pray that all who are lost will find Him and feel the love! I pray for people to see the truth... and explore the possibilities.  I know they won't be sorry they did.