Monday, June 6, 2011

Confirmation Sunday

Yesterday was "Confirmation Sunday" at my church.  What a difference from the Confirmation I received as a young adult.  The children that stood before me today were there because they felt ready to express openly their desire to be followers of Christ.  They had completed a course and really learned about the bible.  They were on stage reciting verses from the bible and they were present in their decision to have a relationship with Christ.
Now let's back up about 10 years in my life - I wouldn't have been caught dead in that church.  I was raised as a Roman Catholic - after all I am Italian - and the Italians... well they're Catholic.  I did all of the right things as a Catholic... made my Communion, Confirmation, Penance, went to Confession, said my Hail Mary's and all of that.  But there was still something missing.  I never really liked going to church.  I went out of obligation and guilt.  I went into church feeling like God was a punishing God and that I had to follow a certain set of "rules" to get to Heaven.  That is what I was taught from my church. "Follow these rules and you will get in!"  I was mislead.
I tried to stay with the Catholics - even when I felt uncomfortable.  I read book after book about the makeup of the church and the reasons for the rules they made.  I tried to talk to the priests but could never get an appointment with any of them.  I cried out to MY CHURCH - this was supposed to be my church and I was left feeling alone and confused.  I am not trying to be a Catholic basher here - there are some great churches out there.  And I know plenty of great Catholics - people who really connect with God through the things they learn in the Catholic church.  I just wasn't one of them.
So it was so awesome yesterday to see these kids - young adults - children - whatever you see them as - make their Confirmation as Christians.  These children have a great understanding of the Bible - which is important whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Born Again or any other form of Christian.  They have a strong desire to follow Christ.  They were there because they wanted to be there.  They had to own their decision and had to testify to the entire church their desire.
I look forward to the day when my children choose to make their Confirmation.  To be able to sit in a packed church and watch my sons proclaim their faith and desire to follow Christ will surely go down as a special day in the Lupo household.  I know that the foundation that we are trying to lay for our children will serve them well all throughout their lives.  I pray that they choose to follow the Bible and to follow Christ.  I know that they will feel the contentment and peace that comes with it and it will help them to get through their lives.
I am so inspired by the children from yesterday.  If they are the future leaders of our country... then we are in good hands. I pray that I can somehow, someway show my friends and family the love of Christ.  I pray that they come to know Him and follow the bible.  I pray that those who do not believe will come to know the truth. 
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. John 10: 27-28

OK - so I wrote this blog and now I am sitting here trying to decide if I should post it.  See I don't want to offend anyone and I don't want to scare anyone either.  10 years ago - I would have called me a Holy Roller!  Maybe I am  - but really I am just a Mom and wife and daughter and friend who wants the best for her family and for her life... and the best is... God.  I am not afraid to tell people that I am a Christian.  I am not afraid to tell people I follow Jesus.  But I am afraid of the way maybe some people receive it.  I don't want to be too over the top.  I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable - because I remember feeling that way about Christians.  I remember thinking that all Christians were crazy and closed minded and freaky... I remember. But I have learned that most of the Christians I know are loving and kind and just want the best for them and their families... God!  I hope you understand what I am trying to say.  I hope you can relate to me - and I hope you still follow my blog.  
Thanks! -TheFullNancy

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