Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nancy is soooo closed minded!

I think there is a fine line between having a firm belief in something and being closed minded.  People have, in the past, called me closed minded because of my faith.  I try so hard not to be and to really listen to others... but when you have such a strong belief in something, it's hard to accept that others may not agree with you.  I don't really want them to agree with me - I want them to experience what I have and to know the secure feeling that comes with my faith.  I want them to want to agree with me.  My faith has brought me so much comfort and has grounded me and my family so much and I think that is what alot of people are looking for these days.  I wish I knew of a way that I could show others how I feel... but the best way I can come up with is to be an example of what God is to me, to others.  It's not easy - and I screw up all the time - but if I can show it to even just one person, then I will be satisfied.  The gift of my faith is for everyone.  It is simple:  I am a true believer in the Bible as God's Holy Word.  I believe it to be true and infallible.  I believe that Jesus is the Son of God that died on a cross to save me from my sins.  I believe in Heaven and I know that I will go there someday.  Simple... yet so complicated too.  I can see how the world is so twisted... all different kinds of people believing all different kinds of things... and each one of them believing that theirs is the truth and the way that others should go.  It's hard because I don't want to alienate others by saying that they are wrong... it's just that I believe so strongly in my faith that they must be the ones who got it wrong... and so goes the world all twisted and confused.  I just know that with Christ on my side I am safe and I am loved and want everyone to feel that way.  Maybe I will always be seen as closed minded - and that's OK.  I will still try to be to others what Christ is to me and I hope that if you see me acting differently - you would tell me. 
I will try to free my mind and think outside the box.  I will try to accept others for what they believe and I will try to be tolerant - but you can be sure, too, that I will still always be a believer in God and His bible and His Son.  I will defend my faith and my God for as long as I live and I will continue to try and become more like Him every day.  If that is being closed minded... then count me in!

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